

Yarranlea Primary


All students will be continually presented with opportunities to develop skills and use relevant technologies as part of their on-going education. At Yarranlea we have a 1:1 iPad program.

Students use technology for a variety of tasks and its use is integrated into the curriculum.

The school is networked giving access to the internet and email to students and staff at Yarranlea Primary School.  It is provided so that the students have an information source that reaches far beyond the walls of the Library.  Through guided access the students will become proficient in the educational use of the Internet, further develop their research skills and expand their knowledge of the world in which they live.

The teaching staff have a responsibility as educators to utilise the Internet as a teaching resource and to have a good working knowledge of it so that students’ use will be appropriate and worthwhile.  Teachers are able to use the Internet facilities for educational and curriculum purposes, emailing and professional development.

Emailing by students will normally occur only as a class or small group activity with teacher input and guidance.

The Internet is primarily an educational tool at Yarranlea.  It will be used for educational purposes not for recreational or personal purposes.

With access to information and people all over the world comes the availability of materials that is considered not to be of educational or personal value to the students in the context of the school setting so we would not expect sites of these types to be accessed.

The use of the Internet by students is a privilege, not a right, and deliberate inappropriate use will result in suspension time from the use of the technology.

The Internet is a constantly changing resource, which, along with rapid technology advancements, will impact upon this policy requiring regular review and possible amendments.