Camps and Excursions

 Camps & Excursions

Yarranlea Primary


Excursions are a means of providing experiences which are not possible in a classroom but which complement a learning program.  They are not optional extras, so every child is expected to attend.  Permission forms are sent home with an explanation of the excursion and its education purpose.  All costs are covered in the fees. Permission slips must be returned for a child to attend an excursion.

The current permission form is available here.


Children at Yarranlea from time to time will attend a camp. Not only do camps offer excellent opportunities for children to learn about, appreciate and respect our environment but also they provide an opportunity for developing independence and skills in social interaction.

Canberra Trip

All children in Years 4, 5 and 6 participate in an Educational trip to Canberra.  This trip occurs every 3 years so that all students will have the opportunity to attend during their time at Yarranlea.