Yarranlea Primary School
Is a small, multi-age, independent primary school situated in Toohey Forest in the inner south Brisbane area.
Vacation Care
The Yarranlea Vacation Care Program, Booking Form, Enrolment form and associated Parent Handbook can be found here.

A Rich History
Yarrenlea Primary School offers a great environment for learning. The school has been a part of the local community for over 55 years.
Donate to the Yarranlea Building Fund
At Yarranlea Primary School we are looking for contributions from the community to our Building Fund. Contributions over $2 are tax deductible and a receipt will be provided.
Contributions will be used towards our future building plans.
Stay up to date on all things Yarranlea. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram #yarranlea.primary
Experienced Staff
Our experienced team of teachers will ensure that your child’s experience of school is the best it can be.
Small Class Size
Our small class size helps your child reach their learning goals.
University Partnerships
Our partnership with Griffith University helps ensure cutting edge teaching and learning programs.
Multi-Age Learning
Your child’s learning goals are designed from their strengths and abilities rather than any measure of chronology.
Looking for More Information?
We would be happy to provide you with additional information and answer any of your questions.