The meetings usually take the below format and last around 1 hour.
General Meetings (other than Annual General Meetings)
General meetings of the Committee will be held as the Committee decides (usually held once each month) but a meeting of the Committee must be held at least three times per semester.
No business of a general meeting will be conducted unless a quorum of members is present. A member may place an item of business on the agenda for a general meeting by notifying the Secretary prior to the meeting.
The order of business at a general meeting is as follows:
- Apologies
- Confirmation of the minutes of the previous general meeting
- Business arising from the minutes of the previous general meeting
- Correspondence received since the previous general meeting- inward and outward
- Business arising from the correspondence
- Table Executive decisions (if any)
- Principal’s report
- Treasurer’s report and financial statement, and any business arising from treasurer’s report and financial statement
- Subcommittee reports
- General business
Agenda of Annual General Meeting
The business to be transacted at every Annual General Meeting shall include:
- Acceptance of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
- Business arising from the minutes.
- President’s Report.
- Principal’s Report.
- Financial Reports of the accounts of the Committee for the preceding financial year.
- The election of Members of the Executive.
- The appointment of Sub-Committees.
- Review and distribution of Parental Code of Conduct.