Australian Curriculum
Yarranlea Primary
At Yarranlea, students will journey through a rich variety of learning experiences, to promote their cognitive, physical, emotional and social phases of development.
The core curriculum based from the Australian Curriculum (ACARA) builds a solid grounding in the fundamental Learning Areas of English, Health and Physical Education, LOTE (Languages other than English), S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths.)
Enriching activities, camps, creative engagement, choirs, international culture and beliefs, language experiences and excursions are integrated into the core program to allow students to explore their fuller interests and skills.
Japanese is the LOTE taught at Yarranlea Primary School. All year levels will participate in Japanese studies.
Swimming lessons take place at the Griffith Aquatic Centre pool in Terms 1 and 4 (subject to pool availability and weather).
Yarranlea Primary School promotes positive curriculum initiatives and partnerships with the Faculty of Education at Griffith University and joint projects with Faculty staff and students (preservice teachers) may be incorporated into the school curriculum program. Preservice teachers may also be invited to participate in seminars and workshops held from time to time at the school.